Publish With Us
JBERR publish high quality articles with the aim to support the wider scientific community and future generation of potential academics, scientists and clinicians. We continue to work hard to support our authors who trust us with their work. Here are just some of the benefits we provide:
· Access and reach: We continue to submit our journals to all known abstracting and indexing services.
· Article processing charges (APCs): Our APCs are the lowest amongst all publishers and we provide exemption for authors from low and middle income countries.
· Compulsory charges: There are no submission or manuscript withdrawal charges. Furthermore the article processing charges are fixed regardless of the length of the article, number of tables or images.
· Copyright: JBERR authors retain the copyright to their work. When authors retain the copyrights to their work, they are allowed unlimited use and/or distribution of their work without any form of restriction.
· Discounts and exemptions: Unlimited amount of discounts and exemptions from the article processing charges are given to authors who cannot afford them.
· Editorial team: Scientifically trained and follow JBERR code of conduct as well as the Publication Integrity and Ethics guidelines and code of conduct.
· Expert and rapid peer-review: The average time to initial decision is 10 days.
· High quality and fast production: When the article is accepted for publication, it is examined by our senior editors to ensure appropriate structuring; then it is copy-edited and the proof is delivered to the corresponding author with queries or suggestions to improve the quality of the article (when needed). Most accepted articles are published online in their final form at journal current issue. Our articles are produced according to the highest specifications in the world.
· International readership: JBERR articles are being accessed from several countries worldwide.
· Open access: All journals are fully open access. Authors may archive pre-print and post-print versions of their articles for the purpose of self-archiving or deposit.
· Events: All authors got notification for conferences and events organized by this society and its members.
The team